The 1 Day Website Agency Certification is a combination of self-guided online learning, a live all-day facilitated seminar and practical application for a total of 4 days of learning. The 1 Day® Website Agency Certification Program is practical and based on research and experience. You will learn theory and then practice implementing it.

Pre-requisite Online Content:

(6-8 hours)

When you register, you’ll get access to our 1 Day Website Agency Certification Online Training Program content to complete on your own time before the day of the live seminar. You’ll get lifetime access to this content and anything we add to it in the future! The online course contains 5 Lessons and 31 Topics. There are quizzes, links to resources and tools, assigned readings and other content to prepare you for the big day.

1 Day Live Intensive Seminar:

(7 hours)

9am-4pm CST via Zoom |
(max 15 people per cohort)

The 1 Day Website Certification Seminar will help you apply and practice the concepts learned in the online course. The live seminar will be held via Zoom teleconferencing software in the Central Time zone. Our live seminar is where you’ll connect with your fellow cohorts. We’ll discuss what you learned in your assignments and readings and answer questions. We’ll go through case studies, best practices, examples and practice implementing the tools and training.

Seminar Outline:

Lesson 1: The Tools

What you’ll learn: Which tools you’ll need to do the job, including software and how to use our proprietary tangible tools. We’ll practice using the tools together.

Templates and tools included: SaaS tracker spreadsheet, Core Value App, Website Wireframe Template, Font Finder tool and Brand Voice app.


Lesson 2: The Process

What you’ll learn: From sales to launch day to follow-up, how to implement and execute a 1 Day Website. Learn how to use our systems, dig deeper into the checklists and find out what the day entails.

Templates and tools included: 1 Day Website Master System, 1 Day Website Agenda, Web Development Checklists, Quality Assurance Checklist, Checklist for Team Members (Writer, Creative Developer, Project Manager, Designer and Developer), Discovery Questionnaire and Tons of Email Scripts

[Lunch break at noon-1pm]

Lesson 3: The Clients & Communication

What you’ll learn: Learn who your clients are and how to get them. Practice selling and qualifying projects. Learn how to vet 1 Day clients and which clients to avoid altogether. You’ll hear stories from the field, and we’ll discuss best practices, lessons learned and case studies.

Templates and tools included: SEO Keyword Research Spreadsheet, Lead Tracker Spreadsheet, Website Questionnaire, Sales Meeting Prompts and Objection Rebuttals, Proposal and Contract Templates, MORTAL BIRD Crisis Management Tool.


Lesson 4: 1 Day Classic Home Page

What you’ll learn: How to use the 1 Day Classic Home Page elements. When to follow the framework and when to break the rules.

Templates and tools included: 1 Day Classic Home Page Tool


We’ll answer any final questions and talk about next steps for the final exam and final project.

Final Exam:

(1 hour)

After you have completed the Online Training Program and the Live Seminar, you will have a multiple-choice and short-answer final exam. Passing the exam with a score of at least 80% is required for certification​. (In the event you do not pass the exam on the first attempt, you may retake the exam at no additional cost.)

Final Project:

(12-14 hours)

The final project is where you and your team will get your hands dirty actually building a practice 1 Day Website. The final project must be completed within 60 days of the Live Seminar.

You can use a real client as a guinea pig, donate a website to a local nonprofit or build a website for a family or friend. You’ll set the expectations up front that this is a practice 1 Day to let the pressure off, and then get your team together to create some website magic!

Once you have completed the site, we will evaluate the website for best practices and offer feedback. The final project is graded Pass/Fail. You will also complete a survey about your experience and lessons learned.

Optional Shadow Opportunity

You may participate in shadowing one of our real-life 1 Day Website services through our flagship agency Bizzy Bizzy any time within 6 months of your certification. This is not required to achieve certification.


When you pass the exam and final project and agree to our terms of use, you will achieve the 1 Day Website Certified Agency designation. You will be licensed to use our Certified 1 Day Agency Logo on your website.

The knowledge you acquire and relationships you build during our 1 Day Certification process will catapult you to becoming an innovator and leader in the web design industry. You will be able to help your clients launch their projects faster to accelerate their success!

“It might not sound all that novel – a website in a day. After all, anyone can head into a drag and drop WYSIWYG site-builder and hack something together in a day. Let me tell you – this ain’t that!

This is an SEO-optimized WordPress site, custom-built for every client. I’ve been involved in a bunch of these and honestly, no two are alike. And they’re built to scale and rank.

I’ve never walked away from one where the client wasn’t thrilled with both the process and the final outcome. Which is NOT the norm for most web development projects in my experience. Not by a longshot.

As someone who’s literally been involved with projects that were years—YEARS—behind schedule, I can honestly say that while the 1 Day process might not be magic, it’s about as close as you’re going to find in the complicated world of web development.”