Do you feel like you’re all alone floating in the abyss in figuring out this freelancing thing?

Astronaut upside down - consulting for freelancers

Maybe you’re great at your craft, but you’re struggling with running a business. Maybe you have considered talking to a business coach but you’re not sure if they will be able to help.

Bizzy Bizzy offers one-on-one consulting for freelancers to help you overcome the challenges you’re facing. Business coaches are an amazing resource to help you see your problems and opportunities from an outsider’s perspective. They can help motivate you, shift your mindset and hold you accountable.

But sometimes, you need an insider — someone who has actually “been there, done that.”

We offer consulting for freelancers in small chunks to help you find solutions for specific problems as well as long-term relationships where we help support you as you scale your freelance business over time.

Bizzy Blitz Call $125

Sign up to receive a 1-hour Bizzy Blitz Call where we will dig in to a specific problem you are having with your business. Are you having a hard time getting customers? Do you have a tricky situation with a client you’re trying to navigate? Are you unclear about your pricing or services? We’d love to hash it out with you!

Bizzy Bestie Consulting $200/month

Having regular 1-hour calls 2 times a month will help us embed ourselves in your freelance business to give you the best possible recommendations, solutions, resources and ideas. We’ll become your Bizzy Bestie! A minimum 6-months commitment is required for best results. We recommend first starting with a Bizzy Blitz Call to see if we are a good fit and in a good position to help you grow your business.